대한지리학회: 해외 관련학회/boards/notice/news/foreign/대한지리학회: 해외 관련학회koTue, 03 Dec 2024 10:06:17 +0900KAGES Professional Workshop - Publishing in Geography 안내(12/10)/boards/notice/36375/detail/news/foreign/<p>Korea-America Association for Geospatial and Environmental Sciences (KAGES) 에서 Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA) 와 공동으로 돌아오는 12월 9일 (월요일) 저녁 8시 (동부시간 기준) (<strong>12월 10일 화요일 아침 10시, 한국시간 기준</strong>)에 <u><strong>Publishing in Geography</strong></u>라는 주제로 네분의 저명한 패널분들을 모시고 colloquium series를 주최할 예정입니다.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Panelists:<br /> Heejun Chang (Portland State University)</p> <p>Yongwan Chun (University of Texas at Dallas)</p> <p>Injeong Jo (Texas State University)</p> <p>Hyun Kim (University of Tennessee Knoxville)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>참가를 희망하시는 분들은 아래의 링크를 통하여 신청하여 주십시오.</p> <p>참가신청서 및 설문: <a href="https://forms.gle/wr8FdVKJK5n2Pt4C8">https://forms.gle/wr8FdVKJK5n2Pt4C8</a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>자세한 사항은 첨부된 팜플렛을 참조해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.</p> <p>문의: 인디애나 주립대학 황태희 교수 <a href="mailto:taehee@iu.edu">taehee@iu.edu</a></p>Tue, 03 Dec 2024 10:06:17 +0900kgeography-notice-foreign-36375제16회 한중일 지리학대회 1st circular (16th China-Japan-Korea Joint Conference on Geography)/boards/notice/35517/detail/news/foreign/<p>제16회 한중일 지리학대회 포스터와&nbsp;First Circular 입니다.</p>Tue, 20 Aug 2024 09:59:00 +0900kgeography-notice-foreign-35517제16회 한중일 지리학대회 개최안내(16th China-Japan-Korea Joint Conference on Geography)/boards/notice/34742/detail/news/foreign/<p>제16회 한중일 지리학대회가 아래와 같이 개최될 예정입니다. 많은 분들의 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>● 일시: 2024년 10월 11일 ~ 10월 14일<br /> ● 장소: 옌벤대학교 훈춘캠퍼스 (Yanbian University, Hunchun City, China)</p> <p>● 학술대회 등록(online registration) 시작일: 2024년 8월 15일</p> <p>● 홈페이지:&nbsp;<a href="https://cjk2024.casconf.cn/">https://cjk2024.casconf.cn/</a></p> <p>* 상세일정 및 등록안내 등 세부내용은 학술대회 홈페이지를 통해 확인가능</p> <p>** &nbsp;F비자를 발급하실 경우, <a href="https://bio.visaforchina.cn/SEL5_KO/qianzhengyewu/jichuzhishi/banliliucheng/202050090737733634.html">필요서류 및 안내(링크)</a>를 필히 참고하여 발급하시길 바랍니다.</p> <p>● 문의처: 중국지리학회 및 <a href="https://cjk2024.casconf.cn/page/1813479476303106049">제16회 한중일 지리학대회 운영위원회(링크)</a></p>Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:45:38 +0900kgeography-notice-foreign-34742IGU CDES Conference 개최 및 call for papers 안내/boards/notice/34470/detail/news/foreign/<p>2024년 6월 21-22일, 중국 북경에서 개최되는 IGU CDES Conference의 Call for Paper를 안내드립니다.</p> <p>안내드리는 컨퍼런스에 대해 회원님들의 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.</p> <p>*&nbsp;Websites of the conference :&nbsp;<a href="https://igu-cdes.mtafki.hu/">https://igu-cdes.mtafki.hu/</a></p>Fri, 22 Mar 2024 13:59:43 +0900kgeography-notice-foreign-34470국제과학위원회(International Science Council, ISC) 관련 활동 안내/boards/notice/33988/detail/news/foreign/<p>&nbsp;안녕하세요, 국제과학위원회(International Science Council, ISC) 아시아-퍼시픽 지역 거점 디렉터로부터 안내받은 몇 가지 내용을 전달해 드립니다.</p> <p>국제과학위원회(International Science Council, ISC) 는 2018년 국제과학연맹위원회(ICSU)와 국제사회과학위원회(ISSC)의 통합으로 출범되어 현재 116개국 142개 회원기관으로 이루어진 국제 과학계를 대표하는 위원회 입니다. 현재 이 위원회는 UN 회의 및 위원회에 참여하고, 국제 공공 분야의 문제 해결을 위한 과학기술정책 수립 및 국제연구프로그램 운영 등을 수행하고 있습니다.</p> <p>최근 ISC는 유엔 안건 중요 이슈에 대한 전문가 명부(ISC roster of experts)를 구성하고 있고, 국제 기후 연구프로그램(WCRP)은 공동 과학위원회의 회원을 모집하고 있습니다. 또한 &nbsp;2024년에 개최되는 지속 가능성 연구 및 혁신 컨퍼런스(Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress (SRI) 2024)에 참여할 젊은 연구자들을 위한 장학금을 제공 등의 다양한 활동을 하고 있습니다. 자세한 내용을 아래를 참고해주세요.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>1. Call for Experts</p> <p>As the ISC&rsquo;s work and impact in the multilateral system continues to grow, we will constitute an ISC roster of experts over the coming weeks on issues that are prominent on the UN agenda. The ISC secretariat has identified 20 priority topics on which the ISC will be called upon to provide authoritative inputs in 2024 (including foresight, science diplomacy, global digital cooperation, peace and security and more), which will be critical for the success of events such as the Summit of the Future, the High-Level Political Forum, and the International Conference on Small Island Developing States. Please see the full list of topics here:&nbsp;<a href="https://council.science/current/news/expressions-of-interest-global-science-policy-work/"><span style="color:#95a5a6;">https://council.science/current/news/expressions-of-interest-global-science-policy-work/</span></a></p> <p>We, kindly ask you to share this call for expressions of interest with your organization&rsquo;s membership/fellows/research networks/affiliated scientists etc. and to encourage those who are able and willing to contribute their expertise to science-policy activities on one or more of the 20 topics to add their names to the roster of experts by completing the online form by 29 February</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>2. Call for WCRP Joint Scientific Committee members</p> <p>ISC Affiliated Body, the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), has published a call for members for its Joint Scientific Committee, which is the highest-level steering committee of the WCRP and an inclusive source of leadership for international climate research. The deadline for nominations is 15 March:&nbsp;<a href="https://www.wcrp-climate.org/news/wcrp-news/2100-jsc-call-2024"><span style="color:#95a5a6;">https://www.wcrp-climate.org/news/wcrp-news/2100-jsc-call-2024</span></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>3. SRI2024 Scholarships for Early Career Scientists</p> <p>In 2024, the Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress (SRI) will be organized in collaboration with Sustainability Science Days (SSD) and held from 10&ndash;14 June in Helsinki and Espoo, Finland. A limited number of scholarships to attend SRI/SSD are available for early career researchers from low- and middle-income countries covering congress registration, travel and accommodation. Recipients must have an accepted session in the SRI/SSD program. Application deadline is 15 February:&nbsp;<a href="https://sricongress.org/scholarships-available-for-early-career-participants-in-low-and-middle-income-countries/"><span style="color:#95a5a6;">https://sricongress.org/scholarships-available-for-early-career-participants-in-low-and-middle-income-countries/</span></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>4. Apply for SIDS Partnerships Awards</p> <p>The United Nations is inviting partnerships for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to apply for the United Nations SIDS Partnerships Awards 2024! Details can be found here:&nbsp;<a href="https://sdgs.un.org/SIDSPartnershipsAwards#awards_2024">https://sdgs.un.org/SIDSPartnershipsAwards#awards_2024</a>&nbsp;The deadline for the application is Friday 1 March 2024.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>5. ISC Extraordinary General Assembly</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>6. Provide feedback on the Future of Scientific Publishing discussion papers&nbsp;<br /> A gentle reminder that we are seeking your organization&rsquo;s response to our ongoing dialogue on &ldquo;The Future of Scientific Publishing&rdquo; following the publication of two ISC discussion papers by 1 March.&nbsp;<a href="https://council.science/publications/key-principles-for-scientific-publishing/"><span style="color:#95a5a6;">https://council.science/publications/key-principles-for-scientific-publishing/</span></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>7. Opportunities within the ISC Asia and Pacific community</p> <p>Call for case studies on Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage and Climate Actions from Asia-Pacific by the Integrated Research on Disaster Risks (IRDR) and UNESCO (deadline: 30 January)<br /> Call for nominations for the 2024 IUPAP Magnetism Award and N&eacute;el Medal (deadline: 31 January)<br /> Apply as expert to participate in the second external review of the IPBES transformative change assessment (deadline: 31 January)<br /> Call for nominations for the 2023-2024 UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Teacher Development recognizing pedagogical innovations that enhance the performance and effectiveness of teachers for quality education (deadline: 31 January)<br /> Apply for the United Nations SIDS Partnerships Awards 2024 (deadline: 1 March)<br /> Call for abstracts for the International Union of Soil Science Congress and Centennial Celebration (deadline: 31 January)<br /> Call for grants for the International Union of Soil Science Congress and Centennial Celebration for early-career scientists (deadline: 15 February)<br /> Call for nominations of participation for Indigenous Knowledge and Local Knowledge Dialogues in GEO-7 (extended deadline: 30 January)<br /> Call for applications for the Ramanujan Prize for young mathematicians from developing countries (deadline: 1 February)<br /> Call for abstracts for the 22nd IUFoST World Congress of Food Science and Technology (deadline: 18 February)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>8. Events linked to the ISC Asia and Pacific community</p> <p>30 January: SDG Action Segment (Goal 2) &ndash; Zero Hunger (<a href="https://council.science/events/sdg-action-segment-for-goal-2-zero-hunger/"><span style="color:#95a5a6;">https://council.science/events/sdg-action-segment-for-goal-2-zero-hunger/</span></a>) &nbsp;<br /> 19-22 Feb: Supercomputing Asia Conference 2024 (<a href="https://nci.org.au/news-events/events/supercomputing-asia-2024"><span style="color:#95a5a6;">https://nci.org.au/news-events/events/supercomputing-asia-2024</span></a>) &nbsp;<br /> 20-23 Feb: APFSD (Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development) (<a href="https://www.unescap.org/events/apfsd11"><span style="color:#95a5a6;">https://www.unescap.org/events/apfsd11</span></a>) &nbsp;<br /> 4-6 March ASEAN Special Summit, Melbourne, Australia &nbsp;<br /> 22 March - Australian Academy of Science annual symposium, Food futures: Nourishing a nation <span style="color:#95a5a6;">(</span><a href="https://www.science.org.au/news-and-events/events/australian-academy-of-science-national-symposium-2024"><span style="color:#95a5a6;">https://www.science.org.au/news-and-events/events/australian-academy-of-science-national-symposium-2024</span></a><span style="color:#95a5a6;">)</span><br /> 10&ndash;12 April: 2024 Ocean Decade Conference (<a href="https://council.science/events/2024-ocean-decade-conference/"><span style="color:#95a5a6;">https://council.science/events/2024-ocean-decade-conference/</span></a>) &nbsp;<br /> 1-2 May INGSA conference Kigali, Rwanda (<a href="https://ingsa.org/ingsa2024/"><span style="color:#95a5a6;">https://ingsa.org/ingsa2024/</span></a>)<br /> 20-24 May: 4th Pacific Ocean Pacific Climate Change Conference (<a href="https://nus.edu.ws/4th-popccc/"><span style="color:#95a5a6;">https://nus.edu.ws/4th-popccc/</span></a>) &nbsp;<br /> 27-30 May: 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Antigua and Barbuda (<a href="https://sdgs.un.org/conferences/sids2024"><span style="color:#95a5a6;">https://sdgs.un.org/conferences/sids2024</span></a>) &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;</p> <p>All opportunities and deadlines relevant to ISC Members can be found on the ISC Membership Notice Board.</p> <p>We look forward to working with you to continue strengthening evidence-based multilateral policy-making in 2024.</p>Mon, 29 Jan 2024 11:47:50 +0900kgeography-notice-foreign-33988The 3rd Workshop of Asian Young Geographers 발표자 모집안내/boards/notice/33103/detail/news/foreign/<p>12월 16~17일 온라인(줌미팅)으로 개최 예정인 &quot;The 3rd Workshop of Asian Young Geographers&quot; 발표자를 모집하고 있어 알려 드립니다.</p> <p>해당 행사는 무료입니다.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>* 주최</strong><br /> Young Geographers Working Group of Asian Geographical Association (AGA-YGWG)<br /> International Geographical Union Task Force for Young and Early Career Geographers<br /> Working Committee for Young Geographers of Geographical Society of China (GSC-WCYG).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>* 초록/논문 제출 관련</strong><br /> - 세션 프로포절 마감: 11월 6일, Prof. Li He (aga-ygwg@xjtu.edu.cn) 에게 이메일로 교신하시면 됩니다.<br /> - 초록/논문 제출 시스템 열리는 날: 11월 7일<br /> - 초록 혹은 논문(full paper) 마감일: 12월 4일<br /> - 초록 혹은 논문 심사 결과 발표: 12월 8일입니다.</p> <p>초록: 200단어 내외, full paper: 5000~8000 단어 분량으로 접수받습니다.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>* Excellent Paper Award</strong><br /> Excellent Paper Award 후보가 되려면 full paper를 제출해야 하며, 후보자는 AGA-YGWG 회원이어야 합니다. (<a href="http://www.aga-ygwg.com/JoinUs">http://www.aga-ygwg.com/JoinUs</a> 를 참조해 주십시오.)</p> <p>행사에 대한 자세한 안내는 첨부된 Circular (PDF 형식) 및 Workshop 홈페이지 <a href=""></a> 참고 부탁드립니다.<br /> &nbsp;</p>Wed, 01 Nov 2023 14:43:07 +0900kgeography-notice-foreign-33103International Workshop on Geography and Sustainability 2023 안내/boards/notice/32242/detail/news/foreign/<p>안녕하세요.&nbsp;</p> <p>올 10월 International Workshop on Geography and Sustainability가 베이징에서 개최되며, 이 학술대회는 온라인으로도 참가 가능합니다. (학생 온라인 참가비 무료) &nbsp;</p> <p>학술대회에 대한 자세한 내용은&nbsp;홈페이지(<a href="https://geosus2023.scievent.com/">https://geosus2023.scievent.com/</a>)의 안내를&nbsp;참조해 주십시오.</p> <p>감사합니다.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>Thu, 27 Jul 2023 10:17:15 +0900kgeography-notice-foreign-32242Annals of GIS Paper Award Winners Webinar - 5월 23일/boards/notice/31262/detail/news/foreign/<p>Annals of GIS 학술지(주관)에서 5월 23일 오후 8시 (중국시간대 기준 오후 7시) 부터 Paper Award Winners Webinar를 개최한다고 합니다.&nbsp;<br /> 자세한 사항은 첨부된 포스터를 참조해 주십시오.</p> <p>웨비나는 줌으로 개최되며, 줌미팅 정보는 아래와 같습니다.<br /> <span style="font-size:18px;">Zoom Room ID: 847 4400 5945 &nbsp;Password:556643</span></p> <p><img alt="" src="/media/staticdata_uploads/2023/05/15/paper-award-webinarannals-0f-gis-512.jpg" style="width: 500px; height: 2357px;" /></p> <p>많은 관심과 참여부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.</p>Mon, 15 May 2023 11:27:47 +0900kgeography-notice-foreign-31262IGU CDES Conference "Rethinking the Economic Geography of Smaller Urban Places" - September 13-15, 2023 in Bern, Switzerland/boards/notice/31208/detail/news/foreign/<p>2023년 9월 스위스에서 개최 예정인 IGU의 경제지리분과 컨퍼런스에 대해 안내드립니다.</p> <p>컨퍼런스에 관한 자세한 사항은 하단의 안내메일과 첨부 된 안내문을 통해 확인가능합니다.</p> <p>회원 분들의 많은 관심부탁드립니다.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;Dear Colleagues,<br /> <br /> We would like to remind you of the upcoming CFP deadline (May 15) for<br /> the IGU CDES Conference &ldquo;RETHINKING THE ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY OF SMALLER<br /> URBAN PLACES: TRANSFORMATION AND WELL-BEING IN SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED<br /> TOWNS&rdquo; [1] that will take place from SEPTEMBER 13 TO 15, 2023 in BERN,<br /> SWITZERLAND.<br /> <br /> We are also happy to inform you about our keynote speakers who will be<br /> DR. CARLOTTA FIORETTI (JRC), DR. J&Ouml;RN HARFST (UNIVERSITY OF GRAZ) AND<br /> DR. MONIKA LITSCHER (SWISS ASSOCIATION OF CITIES).<br /> <br /> ABOUT THE CONFERENCE THEME:<br /> Small and medium-sized towns (SMSTs) are undergoing major socioeconomic<br /> transformations in these uncertain times. Many regions in the world are<br /> characterized by small and medium-sized towns (SMSTs) and these smaller<br /> urban places are fundamentally changing their economic structures<br /> because of these multiple crises. While there has been a recent upsurge<br /> in scholarly attention on small and medium-sized towns particularly with<br /> regards to their economic role and function, we still know little about<br /> how ongoing crises and upheavals influence economic transformation and<br /> well-being in them. There is little knowledge about the ways in which<br /> firms, communities, local actors in smaller urban places experience<br /> socioeconomic transformation and how they position themselves against<br /> larger centres of power in times of crises. In addition, we know little<br /> whether economic success is automatically reflected in the well-being of<br /> local communities and whether economic growth translates into positive<br /> social, cultural and political development of SMSTs. Moreover, there is<br /> a dearth of theories and concepts that can be applied to the small-town<br /> context and that can help us understand these changes.<br /> <br /> We invite conceptual and empirical papers that cover the economic<br /> geography dimensions of transformation and well-being in small and<br /> medium-sized towns. We welcome papers on the following topics, but not<br /> limited to:<br /> <br /> * Conceptualization and assessment of economic transformation<br /> processes in SMSTs or small city-regions<br /> * Displacement and discontent due to economic transformation and<br /> (negative and positive) economic development<br /> * Resilience and adaptation to economic transformation strategies by<br /> local communities, economic actors such as firms, organizations, public<br /> sector, local leaders etc.<br /> * Embedding and disembedding of SMSTs in the global economy through<br /> global value chains, global production networks, local anchor firms such<br /> as so-called &ldquo;hidden champions&rdquo;<br /> * Transformation of economic sectors such as manufacturing, retail,<br /> personalized services, tourism, creative industries, etc. in SMSTs<br /> * Industrial culture: how it evolves and transforms SMSTs<br /> * New innovation models and processes in response to multiple crises<br /> (COVID-19, climate crisis, economic crisis, etc.)<br /> * Strategies of actors in SMSTs to go beyond small size and to<br /> capitalize on concepts such as &ldquo;borrowing size&rdquo; or &ldquo;agglomeration<br /> shadows&rdquo;<br /> * Emerging opportunities as a result of shifting housing demands,<br /> shifting work patterns (e.g. homeoffice), changing work culture, etc.<br /> * The role of real estate investors in small and medium-sized towns<br /> * New forms of urbanity and the changing role of residential economies<br /> and the foundational economy<br /> * Rethinking economic growth paradigms and sufficiency/post-growth<br /> policies in SMSTs<br /> * Planning and policy responses to respond or to foster economic<br /> transformation such as Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) or others.<br /> <br /> PLEASE SEND YOUR ABSTRACT INCLUDING 4 TO 6 KEYWORDS (MAX. 250 WORDS) TO<br /> SIMON.KUENZI@GIUB.UNIBE.CH BY MAY 15, 2023<br /> <br /> Detailed information on the conference can be found in the attached pdf<br /> document or on our website [1]. Feel free to forward this call to<br /> colleagues who might be interested in attending the conference.<br /> <br /> The conference is organized by the IGU Commission on &ldquo;The Dynamics of<br /> Economic Spaces&rdquo; in collaboration with the Institute of Geography &amp;<br /> the Center for Regional Economic Development at the University of Bern,<br /> Switzerland, and the Anton Melik Geographical Institute, ZRC SAZU, in<br /> Ljubljana, Slovenia.<br /> <br /> We look forward to welcoming you to beautiful Switzerland and to Bern in<br /> September 2023!<br /> <br /> Best regards on behalf of the LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE<br /> <br /> Prof. Heike Mayer, [2] Institute of Geography &amp; Center for Regional<br /> Economic Development, University of Bern, Switzerland<br /> <br /> Dr. Ottavia Cima, [3] Institute of Geography &amp; Center for Regional<br /> Economic Development, University of Bern, Switzerland<br /> <br /> Dr. Arnault Morisson [4], Institute of Geography &amp; Center for Regional<br /> Economic Development, University of Bern, Switzerland<br /> <br /> Dr. David Bole, [5] Anton Melik Geographical Institute, ZRC SAZU,<br /> Ljubljana, Slovenia<br /> <br /> Dr. Maru&scaron;a Goluža [6], Anton Melik Geographical Institute, ZRC SAZU,<br /> Ljubljana, Slovenia<br /> <br /> Dr. Jani Kozina, [7] Anton Melik Geographical Institute, ZRC SAZU,<br /> Ljubljana, Slovenia</p>Wed, 03 May 2023 14:04:10 +0900kgeography-notice-foreign-31208KAGES 워크숍 안내 (Google Earth Engine Workshop, 5월 16-17일)/boards/notice/31192/detail/news/foreign/<p>KAGES에서 아래와 같이 워크숍을 계획 중입니다. 아래의 내용과 첨부된 포스터를 참고해 주십시오.</p> <ul> <li>○<strong>Title</strong>: Google Earth Engine Workshop for Absolute Beginners</li> <li>&nbsp;</li> <li><b>○</b>Speaker/Instructor<b>:</b>&nbsp;Dr. Taehee Hwang, Indiana University</li> <li>&nbsp;</li> <li>○<b>Dates:</b>&nbsp;May 16-17, 2023, 9-11 AM (Korean Time)</li> <li>&nbsp;</li> <li>○Registration <a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeBq-rXSvHZ8mJIZTN4rt2dWT0BQ_k8sxCOOmAJ1QjB49ezew/viewform">HERE</a> by May 14 (등록링크&nbsp;<a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeBq-rXSvHZ8mJIZTN4rt2dWT0BQ_k8sxCOOmAJ1QjB49ezew/viewform">https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeBq-rXSvHZ8mJIZTN4rt2dWT0BQ_k8sxCOOmAJ1QjB49ezew/viewform</a> )</li> <li>Registration is free but required. A Zoom link will be sent to registrants.) Seats are limited!</li> <li>&nbsp;</li> <li>○Workshop description: &ldquo;Google Earth Engine is a cloud-based geospatial analysis platform that enables users to visualize and analyze satellite images of our planet.&quot;</li> <li>(Google Earth, n.d. retrieved from <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en_us/earth/education/">https://www.google.com/intl/en_us/earth/education/</a>)</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" src="/media/staticdata_uploads/2023/05/02/gee_workshop_pamphlet_kages42.jpg" style="width: 700px; height: 906px;" /></p> <ul> <li>&nbsp;</li> </ul>Tue, 02 May 2023 10:28:25 +0900kgeography-notice-foreign-31192The 2nd Workshop of Asian Young Geographers 초록 및 원고 제출 기한 연장(12/8) 안내/boards/notice/29734/detail/news/foreign/<p>대한지리학회 회원님들께,</p> <p>12월 17~18일 온라인 줌미팅으로 개최 예정인 &quot;The 2nd Workshop of Asian Young Geographers&quot; 초록 및 원고 제출 기한이 12월 8일로 연장되어 알려 드립니다.</p> <p>전에 말씀드린 바와 같이 차기 대한지리학회 회장님이신 정성훈 교수님께서 기조강연을 해 주시는 행사입니다.</p> <p>행사에 대한 자세한 사항은 아래의 내용 및 첨부된 Circular (PDF 파일)참고 부탁드립니다.</p> <p>감사합니다.</p> <p>대한지리학회 국제부 배상</p> <p>============================================================<br /> Dear All,</p> <p>Many thanks for promoting the workshop. We have received emails asking for deadline extension. To this end, we decided to extend the deadline of abstract (paper) submission. Please help to spread the workshop and invite more participants.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Abstract or full paper submission due: December 8th</p> <p>Abstract/paper submission system:</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Attached please find the 2nd round call of the &quot;Second Workshop of Asian Young Geographers&quot;. We have 8 keynote speakers, and 18 sessions covering human geography, natural geography, public health, environmental science, GIS and remote sensing.</p> <p>The call for applying the 2022 Excellent Paper Award (EPA) is also open! The EPA is specifically open to Graduate Students and Young Scholars with a PhD degree less than 5 years. Eligible candidates can submit their full papers (no less than 5000 words) through the online submission system ( ). To apply for EPA, please select YES for the required question &quot;Submit for EPA&quot; when submitting the full paper.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>High quality full papers will be recommended to the following journals for consideration.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Asian Geographer: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rage20/current<br /> Annals of GIS: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tagi20/current<br /> The International Journal of Digital Earth: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tjde20/current<br /> Big Earth Data: https://www.tandfonline.com/tbed<br /> Frontiers in Sustainable Cities (Urban Economics): https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/sustainablecities/sections/urban-economics<br /> Computational Urban Science: https://www.springer.com/journal/43762<br /> Data Science and Management: https://www.keaipublishing.com/en/journals/data-science-and-management<br /> South China Geographical Journal (华南地理学报): http://www.geogsouth.com.cn</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Please feel free to circulate the call and website of workshop among your networks, and encourage your graduate students to participate the workshop.</p> <p>If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Programme Coordinator<br /> Prof. Min Chen: chenmin0902@njnu.edu.cn<br /> Prof. Li He: aga-ygwg@xjtu.edu.cn</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Conference Secretariat<br /> Ms. Xuanzi Zhang: acg2018@igsnrr.ac.cn<br /> Mr. Kai Zhang: zhangk2g@163.com<br /> Mr. Dajiang Wang: wdj2022nnu@163.com<br /> Mr. Guoxi He: hgx000318@163.com</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Looking forward to meeting you online!</p> <p>Best regards,<br /> Li</p>Mon, 05 Dec 2022 11:24:33 +0900kgeography-notice-foreign-29734The 2nd Workshop of Asian Young Geographers(12/17~18) 발표자 모집안내/boards/notice/29046/detail/news/foreign/<p>대한지리학회 회원님들께,</p> <p>12월 17~18일 온라인 줌미팅으로 개최 예정인 &quot;The 2nd Workshop of Asian Young Geographers&quot; 발표자를 모집하고 있어 알려 드립니다.&nbsp;</p> <p>해당 행사는 무료이며, 초록 (200 단어 전후) 제출 기한은 12월 4일입니다.&nbsp;</p> <p>특히 차기 대한지리학회 회장님이신 정성훈 교수님께서 기조강연을 해 주실 예정입니다.&nbsp;</p> <p>행사에 대한 자세한 안내는 첨부된 Circular (PDF 형식)참고 부탁드립니다.</p> <p>감사합니다.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>대한지리학회 국제부 올림</p> <p><br /> <img alt="" src="/media/staticdata_uploads/2022/11/03/dbfzmk.jpg" style="width: 700px; height: 990px;" /></p>Thu, 03 Nov 2022 13:15:36 +0900kgeography-notice-foreign-29046AGA Newsletter - First Half 2022 소개/boards/notice/27908/detail/news/foreign/<p>&nbsp;AGA(ASIAN GEOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION)에서 발간한 2022년 상반기 AGA뉴스레터 소개합니다.</p> <p>회원분들의 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>===============================================</p> <p>Dear AGA colleagues,</p> <p><br /> Greetings!</p> <p>Enclosed would you please kindly find the AGA Newsletter for the first half of 2022.</p> <p>Please kindly circulate it to your network.</p> <p>Thank you!</p> <p><br /> Sincerely,</p> <p>Xuanzi Zhang<br /> Secretary &amp; Treasurer&nbsp;<br /> Asian Geographical Association&nbsp;</p> <p>acg2018@igsnrr.ac.cn<br /> www.asiageo.net</p>Mon, 25 Jul 2022 11:25:46 +0900kgeography-notice-foreign-27908제5회 아시아지리학대회(5th Asian Geographical Conference (AGC5)) 안내(9/5~9/9)/boards/notice/27896/detail/news/foreign/<p>&nbsp;2022년 9월 5-9일 베트남에서 개최되는 제 5회 아시아 지리학 대회 진행상황을 알려드립니다. 현재 한국을 포함한 총 15개국에서 50편 초록과 2편의 논문이 제출되었으며, 중국 Yutian Liang 교수님과 한국 류제헌 교수님이 기획하는 두 개의 세션이 예정되어 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 다음을 참고해주시기 바랍니다.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Dear Executive Committee Board of AGA,</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Towards the 5th Asian Geographical Conference (AGC5), which will be held at TNU from September 5-9, 2022, on July 12, 2022 the Local Organizing Committee and the Conference Secretariat have met together to evaluate of the preparation work for the Conference. I would like to report the main results to members of EC of AGA as follows</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>1. Number of delegates who submitted abstracts and registered for the conference: 50 abstracts and two full papers from 15 countries (India 19; Japan 4, Uzbekistan 2, Yemen 1, Tajikistan 2, Pakistan 5, Korea) 1, Germany 1, China 2, Bangladesh 1, Israel 2, Singapore 1)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>2. Two groups of scientists registered to organize a sections</p> <p>- Prof. Dr. Yutian Liang from Sun Yat-sen University, China wished to organize a session during the conference,</p> <p>- Prof Je-Hun RYU, Korea wished to work with Vietnamese to organize a workshop to discuss and exchange ideas on how Asian geographers should work together to comply Asian Atlas of Culture and Heritage during the Conference or one day before the Conference, possibly with the participation from the members on the Steering Committee for the AGA Working Group on Cultural Geography.</p> <p><br /> 3. Draft conference program</p> <p>September 5: Welcome guests</p> <p>Morning of September 6: Opening, plenary session</p> <p>Afternoon of September 6: Sections (2-3)</p> <p>September 7: two sections (proposed in item 2)</p> <p>September 8-9: Field trip</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>4. Considering logistics work</p> <p>- Conference materials</p> <p>- Others logistics (Conference hall, section rooms, zoom links&hellip;)</p> <p>- Prepare letter of invitation and send to all participants</p> <p>- Prepare and send the Letter of invitations to keynote speakers.</p> <p><br /> (Please Miss Xuanzi Zhang discuss with Professor Dahe Qin to help us to select and invite 4-5 international keynote speakers and then LO will send invitation to them. LO sent invitation to 3 Vietnamese keynote speakers)</p> <p>- Please Miss Xuanzi Zhang to discuss with Professor Dahe Qin to send invitations to take part in the Conference to all national representatives as well as members of the Executive Committee of the Asian Geographical Society.</p> <p>Please Miss Xuanzi Zhang convert this email to other members of EC of AGS because I can not send to them.</p> <p>The next meeting of LO and Conference Secretariat will be held at the end of July 2022.</p> <p>Looking forward to seeing you at TUN</p>Fri, 15 Jul 2022 12:36:45 +0900kgeography-notice-foreign-27896IGU Thematic Conference Osaka 2023 안내/boards/notice/27875/detail/news/foreign/<p>&nbsp; 2023년 일본 오사카에서 열리는 IGU Thematic Conference를 소개드립니다.</p> <p>IGU Thematic Conference는 특별한 주제에 대해 관심을 갖는 하나이상의 위원회 또는 국가(들)에서 준비하는 국제 학회입니다. 2023년도 일본 오사카에서 열리는 국제 학회는 &lsquo;Islands in relations&rsquo;이라는 주제로 이와 관련된 다양한 소주제들(Conflicts, Sustainability, Peace)로 구성이 됩니다. 관심있는 분들은 다음에 소개되는 정보들을 확인하시기 바랍니다.</p> <p>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">IGU Thematic Conference Osaka 2023</span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Chair, Local Organizing Committee, IGU-TC Osaka 2023</p> <p>Department of Geography, Osaka Metropolitan University<br /> Website: https://polgeog.jp/igu-tc2023/ &lt;https://polgeog.jp/igu-tc2023/&gt;<br /> Facebook: /groups/292057433080525<br /> &lt;/groups/292057433080525&gt;<br /> Twitter: https://twitter.com/IGUTC_Osaka2023<br /> &lt;https://twitter.com/IGUTC_Osaka2023&gt;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>*Call for Sessions*</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>By situating /islands in various relations/, this conference focuses on<br /> them from three inter-related viewpoints: /conflicts, sustainability,<br /> and peace, /and addresses the following three component questions:</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>1. /Why and how were/are islands involved in what kind of conflicts or<br /> uneven power relations?/<br /> 2. /How can islands&rsquo;sustainable development contribute to their<br /> political-economic autonomy?/<br /> 3. /How can we practice geography for island peace?/</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This conference is open to any case studies across the world if they fit<br /> in the main conference theme. It is also open to any IGU Commissions,<br /> geographers, other scientists, university students, and the public who<br /> wish to share the theme topics with us.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>*Based on the above-mentioned main conference themes, sessions could be<br /> organized for the following sub-themes and other relevant topics:*</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>/Conflicts/</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>* Insular geopolitics between land and sea<br /> * Hegemony, dispossession, and displacement<br /> * Colonization and dependency<br /> * MIlitarization, securitization, and gendering of islands<br /> * Migration and offshore detention<br /> * Territorial disputes, border, and nationalism<br /> * Border control over islands and islanders<br /> * In-betweenness of islands</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>/Sustainability/</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>* Globalization and sustainable livelihoods<br /> * Adaptive island governance and climate change<br /> * Environmental vulnerability<br /> * Local marine resource management and communities<br /> * Renewable energy and development<br /> * Tourism and human/non-human sustainability<br /> * Militarism and its ecological impacts<br /> * Indigenous geographies and their preservation</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>/Peace/</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>* Decolonization and indigenous rights<br /> * Demilitarization and alternative economy<br /> * Denuclearization and neutralization<br /> * Transnational/inter-island peace movements<br /> * Trans-border networks and cooperation<br /> * Trans-border tourism/trade<br /> * Restoration of island cultures<br /> * Island autonomy and peace</p> <p><br /> <span style="font-size:18px;">Past IGU Thematic conferences</span></p> <p>2022: Mahendragarh, India: Sustainability, Future Earth, and Humanities- Opportunities and Challenges</p> <p>2021: Lecce, Italy: Heritage Geographies- Politics, Uses and Governance of the Past</p> <p>2019: Koper, Slovenia: Transformation of Traditional Cultural Landscapes</p> <p>2018: Moscow, Russia: Practical Geography and XXI Century Challenges</p> <p>2017: Hyderabad, India: Urbanization Health and Wellbeing</p> <p>2017: La Paz, Bolivia: Geographies of Peace<br /> 2017: Bucharest, Romania: Land Use/Cover Changes, Biodiversity, Health, and Environment, Local and Regional Development</p>Mon, 11 Jul 2022 10:29:57 +0900kgeography-notice-foreign-278755th ACG Submission Deadline Extended to 15th July, 2022 _초록제출기한 연장안내(~7/15)/boards/notice/27688/detail/news/foreign/<div style="margin:0px; padding:0px; text-align:start; -webkit-text-stroke-width:0px"><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="color:#111111"><span style="font-family:&quot;맑은 고딕&quot;, &quot;Malgun Gothic&quot;, 돋움, dotum, sans-serif"><span style="font-style:normal"><span style="font-variant-ligatures:normal"><span style="font-variant-caps:normal"><span style="font-weight:400"><span style="letter-spacing:normal"><span style="orphans:2"><span style="text-transform:none"><span style="white-space:normal"><span style="widows:2"><span style="word-spacing:0px"><span style="background-color:#ffffff"><span style="text-decoration-thickness:initial"><span style="text-decoration-style:initial"><span style="text-decoration-color:initial"><font face="times new roman, serif">2022년 9월 5일 베트남에서 열리는 제 5회 아시아 지리학 대회의 초록 제출 기한이 7월 15일로 연기되었습니다. </font></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></div> <div style="margin:0px; padding:0px; text-align:start; -webkit-text-stroke-width:0px"><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="color:#111111"><span style="font-family:&quot;맑은 고딕&quot;, &quot;Malgun Gothic&quot;, 돋움, dotum, sans-serif"><span style="font-style:normal"><span style="font-variant-ligatures:normal"><span style="font-variant-caps:normal"><span style="font-weight:400"><span style="letter-spacing:normal"><span style="orphans:2"><span style="text-transform:none"><span style="white-space:normal"><span style="widows:2"><span style="word-spacing:0px"><span style="background-color:#ffffff"><span style="text-decoration-thickness:initial"><span style="text-decoration-style:initial"><span style="text-decoration-color:initial"><font face="times new roman, serif">학회 일정 및 관련 내용은 다음 웹사이트 링크를 통해 확인하기 바랍니다.</font></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></div> <div style="margin:0px; padding:0px; text-align:start; -webkit-text-stroke-width:0px"><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="color:#111111"><span style="font-family:&quot;맑은 고딕&quot;, &quot;Malgun Gothic&quot;, 돋움, dotum, sans-serif"><span style="font-style:normal"><span style="font-variant-ligatures:normal"><span style="font-variant-caps:normal"><span style="font-weight:400"><span style="letter-spacing:normal"><span style="orphans:2"><span style="text-transform:none"><span style="white-space:normal"><span style="widows:2"><span style="word-spacing:0px"><span style="background-color:#ffffff"><span style="text-decoration-thickness:initial"><span style="text-decoration-style:initial"><span style="text-decoration-color:initial"><font face="times new roman, serif">&nbsp;<a href="http://acg2021.tnu.edu.vn/" rel="noopener noreferrer" style="text-decoration:none" target="_blank">http://acg2021.tnu.edu.vn/</a>&nbsp;또는&nbsp;<a href="http://acg2021.tnu.edu.vn/call-for-paper/" rel="noopener noreferrer" style="text-decoration:none" target="_blank">http://acg2021.tnu.edu.vn/call-for-paper/</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></div> <div style="margin:0px; padding:0px; text-align:start; -webkit-text-stroke-width:0px">&nbsp;</div> <div style="margin:0px; padding:0px; text-align:start; -webkit-text-stroke-width:0px">=======================================================================</div> <div style="margin:0px; padding:0px; text-align:start; -webkit-text-stroke-width:0px"> <p>Dear AGA colleagues,<br /> &nbsp;</p> <p>Due to numerous requests by participants, the local organizing committee of the 5th Asian Conference on Geography (5th ACG) has decided to extend the submission deadline to 15th July, 2022. Please visit the conference website for more information: <u><span style="color:null;"><strong>http://acg2021.tnu.edu.vn/</strong></span></u>. Any question you may have, please contact the conference secretariat: <u><strong>acg2021@tnu.edu.vn</strong></u></p> <p><br /> We would appreciate if you could distribute the conference posters attached to your network and encourage your colleagues to participate in the conference.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Thank you and look forward to meeting you in September in Vietnam</p> </div>Thu, 26 May 2022 15:32:48 +0900kgeography-notice-foreign-27688Asian Geographical Association E-Newsletter (2021-04)발간/boards/notice/26605/detail/news/foreign/<p>아시아&nbsp;지리학회&nbsp;연합은&nbsp;2022년&nbsp;1월&nbsp;2021-04호&nbsp;뉴스레터를&nbsp;통해&nbsp;2022년&nbsp;2월&nbsp;예정된&nbsp;학회지(Asian Geographer Issue 1, Volume 39)의&nbsp;발간&nbsp;소식과&nbsp;워킹그룹의&nbsp;활동들&nbsp;및&nbsp;아시아&nbsp;각국&nbsp;지리학회의&nbsp;주요&nbsp;뉴스를&nbsp;전하였습니다.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>워킹그룹의&nbsp;주요&nbsp;활동으로는&nbsp;2021년&nbsp;12월&nbsp;18일-19일&nbsp;개최된&nbsp;아시아&nbsp;신진지리학자&nbsp;워킹그룹(AGA Young Geographers Working Group)의&nbsp;온라인&nbsp;워크샵과&nbsp;문화지리학&nbsp;워킹그룹이&nbsp;IGU&nbsp;문화지리&nbsp;위원회(Commission on Cultural Approaches in Geography)와&nbsp;함께&nbsp;2022년&nbsp;7월&nbsp;18일-22일&nbsp;파리&nbsp;세계지리학대회에서&nbsp;공동으로&nbsp;주최하는&nbsp;&quot;Heritage And Sustainable Development: The Importance Of Geographical Thinking(Chair Ryu Je-Hun)&quot;&nbsp;세션에&nbsp;대한&nbsp;소식도&nbsp;함께&nbsp;전하였습니다.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>파키스탄,&nbsp;인도,&nbsp;중국,&nbsp;베트남&nbsp;지리학회에서&nbsp;각국의&nbsp;주요&nbsp;소식을&nbsp;전하였으며,&nbsp;대한지리학회&nbsp;또한&nbsp;</p> <p>2022년&nbsp;개최&nbsp;예정인&nbsp;대한지리학회&nbsp;연례학술대회&nbsp;및&nbsp;제&nbsp;15회&nbsp;한중일&nbsp;지리학대회&nbsp;일정을&nbsp;이&nbsp;뉴스레터를&nbsp;통해&nbsp;공유하였습니다.&nbsp;</p> <p>구체적인&nbsp;소식은&nbsp;아래&nbsp;링크를&nbsp;통해&nbsp;확인하실&nbsp;수&nbsp;있습니다.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="http://www.asiageo.net/filedownload/75252">http://www.asiageo.net/filedownload/75252</a></p>Thu, 03 Feb 2022 10:19:54 +0900kgeography-notice-foreign-266051st Workshop of Asian Young Geographers (무료 워크샵, 12월 18~19일, 온라인, 황철수 회장님의 환영사 및 기조강연) 안내/boards/notice/26448/detail/news/foreign/<p>&nbsp;1st Workshop of Asian Young Geographers가 12월 18~19일 (금, 토) 온라인 줌미팅으로 개최됩니다.</p> <p>무료 워크샵이며, 개회식, 기조연설, 최우수 논문 시상 행사가 열릴 줌 미팅 ID 및 비밀번호는 아래와 같습니다.</p> <p>Zoom ID: 854 7537 1364</p> <p>비밀번호: 114941</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;이번 행사는 개회식에서 황철수 대한지리학회 회장님께서 환영사를 해 주시며, 기조강연에 지리학계의 저명한 학자들이 많이 참여하십니다. 또한 무료이므로 편하신 시간에 관심 있으신 여러 세션에 참여하실 수도 있을 듯합니다.</p> <p>(포스터는 중국 시간대 기준으로 되어 있으며, 본 이메일의 개회식 및 기조강연 스케줄은 한국 시간대 기준으로 안내되어 있습니다.)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>1. 개회식</p> <p>12월 18일 토요일 정오(한국시간대 기준)에 열립니다.</p> <p>Prof. Chul Sue Hwang: Vice President, Asian Geographical Association; President, Korean Geographical Society; Professor, Kyung Hee University</p> <p>Dr. Komali Yenneti: Chair,the International Geographical Union&#39;s Young and Early-Career Geographers Task Force (IGU-YECG) ; Lecturer and Program Leader, University of Wolverhampton</p> <p>Prof. Erfu Dai, Chair, The Geographical Society of China (GSC) Working Committee for Young Geographers; Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences</p> <p><br /> 2. 기조강연을 하실 일곱 분의 강연 스케줄은 아래와 같습니다.</p> <p>Prof. Yukio Himiyama (12월 18일 12:15 - 12:45, 한국시간대)<br /> Emeritus Professor, Hokkaido University of Education; Past President, International Geographical Union (IGU)</p> <p>Prof. Michael Meadows (12월 18일 12:45 - 13:15, 한국시간대)<br /> Senior Research Scholar, University of Cape Town; President, International Geographical Union (IGU)</p> <p>Prof. Suresh Chand Rai (12월 18일 13:20 - 13:50, 한국시간대)<br /> Professor, University of Delhi; Vice President, Asian Geographical Association (AGA)</p> <p>Prof. Anthony G.O. Yeh (12월 18일 13:50 - 14:20, 한국시간대)<br /> Professor, The University of Hong Kong; Academician, The Chinese Academy of Sciences</p> <p>Prof. Mei-Po Kwan (12월 18일 14:20 - 14:50, 한국시간대)<br /> Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK); Director, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science</p> <p>Prof. Safdar Ali Shirazi (12월 19일 12:00 - 12:30, 한국시간대)<br /> Professor, University of Punjab; President, Pakistan Geographical Association (PGA)</p> <p>Prof. Shuli Niu (12월 19일 12:30 - 13:00, 한국시간대)<br /> Professor, The Chinese Academy of Sciences; Winner, China Young Women in Science Fellowship Award 2019</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>3. 최우수논문상 시상 및 폐회식</p> <p>(1) Report and summary of the workshop<br /> Prof. Min Chen: Chair, Young Geographer Working Group of Asian Geographical Association (AGA-YGWG) ; Professor, Nanjing Normal University</p> <p>(2) Announcement of the Winners of Excellent Paper Award<br /> Prof. Guoyou Zhang: Vice President, The Geographical Society of China (GSC); Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;200편 가까운 초록이 제출되었다고 들었으나, 확정된 세션 및 발표 스케줄은 아직 회람되지 않았습니다.</p> <p>세션 및 발표 관련 정보를 구득하는 대로 대한지리학회 링크드인 페이지인 /company/kgeography 등 여러 채널을 활용하여 공유하도록 하겠습니다.</p> <p>감사합니다.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>대한지리학회 국제부 올림</p>Thu, 16 Dec 2021 11:37:46 +0900kgeography-notice-foreign-264482022년 IGU Travel Grant프로그램 소개/boards/notice/26411/detail/news/foreign/<p>대한지리학회 회원님들께,&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;다가오는 2022년 IGU학회(2022 IGU Centennial Congress) 참가를 위한 Travel Grant(여행경비 지원) 지원 프로그램을 소개합니다. 2022 IGU Centennial Congress는 2022년 7월 18~22일까지 진행되며 장소는 프랑스 파리(Paris in France)입니다.</p> <p>선정된 지원자들은 최대 $1,000까지 재정 지원을 받을 수 있으며, 지원은 2022년 1월 31일 이전까지 지원을 해주셔야 합니다. 좀더 자세한 내용은 아래에 있는 두개의 Links를 통해서 확인해 주시기 바랍니다.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>https://igu-online.org/call-paris-igu-travel-grant-2022-out/</p> <p>https://igu-online.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Paris-2022-Travel-Grant-Application-Form.pdf</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>관심 있으신 회원님들의 많은 관심 및 참여 부탁드립니다.</p> <p>대한지리학회 국제부 배상<br /> &nbsp;</p>Mon, 06 Dec 2021 10:37:32 +0900kgeography-notice-foreign-26411First Workshop of Asian Young Geographers_2nd Circular/boards/notice/26386/detail/news/foreign/<p><img alt="" src="/media/staticdata_uploads/2021/11/30/2nd-circular-first-workshop-of-asian-young-geographerspdf_page_01_4wEeG24.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 590px;" /><img alt="" src="/media/staticdata_uploads/2021/11/30/2nd-circular-first-workshop-of-asian-young-geographerspdf_page_02.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 590px;" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="/media/staticdata_uploads/2021/11/30/2nd-circular-first-workshop-of-asian-young-geographerspdf_page_03.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 590px;" /><img alt="" src="/media/staticdata_uploads/2021/11/30/2nd-circular-first-workshop-of-asian-young-geographerspdf_page_04.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 590px;" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="/media/staticdata_uploads/2021/11/30/2nd-circular-first-workshop-of-asian-young-geographerspdf_page_05.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 590px;" /><img alt="" src="/media/staticdata_uploads/2021/11/30/2nd-circular-first-workshop-of-asian-young-geographerspdf_page_06.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 590px;" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="/media/staticdata_uploads/2021/11/30/2nd-circular-first-workshop-of-asian-young-geographerspdf_page_07.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 590px;" /><img alt="" src="/media/staticdata_uploads/2021/11/30/2nd-circular-first-workshop-of-asian-young-geographerspdf_page_08.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 590px;" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="/media/staticdata_uploads/2021/11/30/2nd-circular-first-workshop-of-asian-young-geographerspdf_page_09.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 590px;" /><img alt="" src="/media/staticdata_uploads/2021/11/30/2nd-circular-first-workshop-of-asian-young-geographerspdf_page_10.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 590px;" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="/media/staticdata_uploads/2021/11/30/2nd-circular-first-workshop-of-asian-young-geographerspdf_page_11.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 590px;" /><img alt="" src="/media/staticdata_uploads/2021/11/30/2nd-circular-first-workshop-of-asian-young-geographerspdf_page_12.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 590px;" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="/media/staticdata_uploads/2021/11/30/2nd-circular-first-workshop-of-asian-young-geographerspdf_page_13.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 590px;" /><img alt="" src="/media/staticdata_uploads/2021/11/30/2nd-circular-first-workshop-of-asian-young-geographerspdf_page_14.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 590px;" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="/media/staticdata_uploads/2021/11/30/2nd-circular-first-workshop-of-asian-young-geographerspdf_page_15.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 590px;" /><img alt="" src="/media/staticdata_uploads/2021/11/30/2nd-circular-first-workshop-of-asian-young-geographerspdf_page_16.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 590px;" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="/media/staticdata_uploads/2021/11/30/2nd-circular-first-workshop-of-asian-young-geographerspdf_page_17.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 590px;" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>Tue, 30 Nov 2021 13:36:12 +0900kgeography-notice-foreign-26386