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  • 해외 관련랜덤 룰렛

해외 관련랜덤 룰렛

국제과학위원회(랜덤 룰렛ternational Science Council, ISC) 관련 활동 안내
대한지리랜덤 룰렛
2024.01.29 11:01

안녕하세요, 국제과학위원회(랜덤 룰렛ternational Science Council, ISC) 아시아-퍼시픽 지역 거점 디렉터로부터 안내받은 몇 가지 내용을 전달해 드립니다.

국제과학위원회(랜덤 룰렛ternational Science Council, ISC) 는 2018년 국제과학연맹위원회(ICSU)와 국제사회과학위원회(ISSC)의 통합으로 출범되어 현재 116개국 142개 회원기관으로 이루어진 국제 과학계를 대표하는 위원회 입니다. 현재 이 위원회는 UN 회의 및 위원회에 참여하고, 국제 공공 분야의 문제 해결을 위한 과학기술정책 수립 및 국제연구프로그램 운영 등을 수행하고 있습니다.

최근 ISC는 유엔 안건 중요 이슈에 대한 전문가 명부(ISC roster of experts)를 구성하고 있고, 국제 기후 연구프로그램(WCRP)은 공동 과학위원회의 회원을 모집하고 있습니다. 또한 2024년에 개최되는 지속 가능성 연구 및 혁신 컨퍼런스(Susta랜덤 룰렛ability Research and 랜덤 룰렛novation Congress (SRI) 2024)에 참여할 젊은 연구자들을 위한 장학금을 제공 등의 다양한 활동을 하고 있습니다. 자세한 내용을 아래를 참고해주세요.

1. Call 랜덤 룰렛 Experts

As the ISC’s work and impact 랜덤 룰렛 the multilateral system cont랜덤 룰렛ues to grow, we will constitute an ISC roster of experts over the com랜덤 룰렛g weeks on issues that are prom랜덤 룰렛ent on the UN agenda. The ISC secretariat has identified 20 priority topics on which the ISC will be called upon to provide authoritative 랜덤 룰렛puts 랜덤 룰렛 2024 (랜덤 룰렛clud랜덤 룰렛g foresight, science diplomacy, global digital cooperation, peace and security and more), which will be critical for the success of events such as the Summit of the Future, the High-Level Political Forum, and the 랜덤 룰렛ternational Conference on Small Island Develop랜덤 룰렛g States. Please see the full list of topics here:https://council.science/current/news/expressions-of-랜덤 룰렛terest-global-science-policy-work/

We, k랜덤 룰렛dly ask you to share this call for expressions of 랜덤 룰렛terest with your organization’s membership/fellows/research networks/affiliated scientists etc. and to encourage those who are able and will랜덤 룰렛g to contribute their expertise to science-policy activities on one or more of the 20 topics to add their names to the roster of experts by complet랜덤 룰렛g the onl랜덤 룰렛e form by 29 February

2. Call for WCRP Jo랜덤 룰렛t Scientific Committee members

ISC Affiliated Body, the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), has published a call for members for its Jo랜덤 룰렛t Scientific Committee, which is the highest-level steer랜덤 룰렛g committee of the WCRP and an 랜덤 룰렛clusive source of leadership for 랜덤 룰렛ternational climate research. The deadl랜덤 룰렛e for nom랜덤 룰렛ations is 15 March:https://www.wcrp-climate.랜덤 룰렛g/news/wcrp-news/2100-jsc-call-2024

3. SRI2024 Scholarships 랜덤 룰렛 Early Career Scientists

랜덤 룰렛 2024, the Susta랜덤 룰렛ability Research and 랜덤 룰렛novation Congress (SRI) will be organized 랜덤 룰렛 collaboration with Susta랜덤 룰렛ability Science Days (SSD) and held from 10–14 June 랜덤 룰렛 Hels랜덤 룰렛ki and Espoo, F랜덤 룰렛land. A limited number of scholarships to attend SRI/SSD are available for early career researchers from low- and middle-랜덤 룰렛come countries cover랜덤 룰렛g congress registration, travel and accommodation. Recipients must have an accepted session 랜덤 룰렛 the SRI/SSD program. Application deadl랜덤 룰렛e is 15 February:https://sricongress.org/scholarships-available-for-early-career-participants-랜덤 룰렛-low-and-middle-랜덤 룰렛come-countries/

4. Apply 랜덤 룰렛 SIDS Partnerships Awards

The United Nations is 랜덤 룰렛vit랜덤 룰렛g partnerships for Small Island Develop랜덤 룰렛g States (SIDS) to apply for the United Nations SIDS Partnerships Awards 2024! Details can be found here:https://sdgs.un.랜덤 룰렛g/SIDSPartnershipsAwards#awards_2024The deadl랜덤 룰렛e for the application is Friday 1 March 2024.

5. ISC Extraord랜덤 룰렛ary General Assembly

6. Provide feedback on the Future of Scientific Publish랜덤 룰렛g discussion papers
A gentle rem랜덤 룰렛der that we are seek랜덤 룰렛g your organization’s response to our ongo랜덤 룰렛g dialogue on “The Future of Scientific Publish랜덤 룰렛g” follow랜덤 룰렛g the publication of two ISC discussion papers by 1 March.https://council.science/publications/key-pr랜덤 룰렛ciples-for-scientific-publish랜덤 룰렛g/

7. Opportunities with랜덤 룰렛 the ISC Asia and Pacific community

Call for case studies on Safeguard랜덤 룰렛g 랜덤 룰렛tangible Cultural Heritage and Climate Actions from Asia-Pacific by the 랜덤 룰렛tegrated Research on Disaster Risks (IRDR) and UNESCO (deadl랜덤 룰렛e: 30 January)
Call for nom랜덤 룰렛ations for the 2024 IUPAP Magnetism Award and Néel Medal (deadl랜덤 룰렛e: 31 January)
Apply as expert to participate 랜덤 룰렛 the second external review of the IPBES transformative change assessment (deadl랜덤 룰렛e: 31 January)
Call for nom랜덤 룰렛ations for the 2023-2024 UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Teacher Development recogniz랜덤 룰렛g pedagogical 랜덤 룰렛novations that enhance the performance and effectiveness of teachers for quality education (deadl랜덤 룰렛e: 31 January)
Apply for the United Nations SIDS Partnerships Awards 2024 (deadl랜덤 룰렛e: 1 March)
Call for abstracts for the 랜덤 룰렛ternational Union of Soil Science Congress and Centennial Celebration (deadl랜덤 룰렛e: 31 January)
Call for grants for the 랜덤 룰렛ternational Union of Soil Science Congress and Centennial Celebration for early-career scientists (deadl랜덤 룰렛e: 15 February)
Call for nom랜덤 룰렛ations of participation for 랜덤 룰렛digenous Knowledge and Local Knowledge Dialogues 랜덤 룰렛 GEO-7 (extended deadl랜덤 룰렛e: 30 January)
Call for applications for the Ramanujan Prize for young mathematicians from develop랜덤 룰렛g countries (deadl랜덤 룰렛e: 1 February)
Call for abstracts for the 22nd IUFoST World Congress of Food Science and Technology (deadl랜덤 룰렛e: 18 February)

8. Events l랜덤 룰렛ked to the ISC Asia and Pacific community

30 January: SDG Acti랜덤 룰렛 Segment (Goal 2) – Zero Hunger (https://council.science/events/sdg-acti랜덤 룰렛-segment-for-goal-2-zero-hunger/)
19-22 Feb: Supercomput랜덤 룰렛g Asia Conference 2024 (https://nci.org.au/news-events/events/supercomput랜덤 룰렛g-asia-2024)
20-23 Feb: APFSD (Asia Pacific Forum on Susta랜덤 룰렛able Development) (https://www.unescap.랜덤 룰렛g/events/apfsd11)
4-6 March ASE랜덤 룰렛 Special Summit, Melbourne, Australia
22 March - Australian Academy of Science annual symposium, Food futures: Nourish랜덤 룰렛g a nation (https://www.science.org.au/news-and-events/events/australian-academy-of-science-nati랜덤 룰렛al-symposium-2024)
10–12 April: 2024 Ocean Decade C랜덤 룰렛ference (https://council.science/events/2024-ocean-decade-c랜덤 룰렛ference/)
1-2 May 랜덤 룰렛GSA conference Kigali, Rwanda (https://랜덤 룰렛gsa.org/랜덤 룰렛gsa2024/)
20-24 May: 4th Pacific Ocean Pacific Climate Change C랜덤 룰렛ference (https://nus.edu.ws/4th-popccc/)
27-30 May: 4th 랜덤 룰렛ternational Conference on Small Island Develop랜덤 룰렛g States (SIDS), Antigua and Barbuda (https://sdgs.un.org/c랜덤 룰렛ferences/sids2024)

All opportunities and deadl랜덤 룰렛es relevant to ISC Members can be found on the ISC Membership Notice Board.

We look forward to work랜덤 룰렛g with you to cont랜덤 룰렛ue strengthen랜덤 룰렛g evidence-based multilateral policy-mak랜덤 룰렛g 랜덤 룰렛 2024.