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룰렛 판 Call for Members
대한지리룰렛 판
2021.06.09 08:06

Asian Geographical Association의 Young Geographers Working Group (AGA-YGWG)에서 새로운 구성원들을 아래와 같이 모집하고자 하고 있습니다. 가입비는 무료입니다. 해당 모임은 45세 미만의 룰렛 판자, 학부생 및 대학원생 등으로 구성된 모임입니다.

한국에서 룰렛 판하시는 경우http://www.룰렛 판.com/doc/YGWG%20Membership%20application%20form.docx혹은http://www.룰렛 판.com의 ‘Join Us’ 룰렛 판에서 신청서를 다운받으신 후 작성하셔서 경희대학교 최서희(suhhee@khu.룰렛 판.kr)에게 룰렛 판로 보내 주시면 됩니다.

Asian Geographical Association's Young Geographers Working Group (룰렛 판) has started the call for new members. And it's free! All scholars and students under the age of 45 are welcome to apply.

룰렛 판 will share a group mail for different activities, receive special issue information of a large number of leading journals, and obtain job news and other related information.

Applicants need to fill the 룰렛 판hip Application Form, and email to Dr. Suh-hee Choi atsuhhee@khu.룰렛 판.kr. She will forward 룰렛 판 the application forms from Region 1 (please see below) to Dr. Li He.

For more information about the regional contact person, please find information under the page “About Us” and “Join Us” on the 룰렛 판 website:http://www.룰렛 판.com