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Postponements of the 15th Korea-China-Japan Joint Conference on Geography 한중일 러시안 룰렛학대회 연기
대한지리러시안 룰렛
러시안 룰렛
2021.06.09 12:06
[2022러시안 룰렛] Tentative schedule.docx[다운로드:491회]

2021년에 계획되었던 제15회 한중일 대회를 2022년 하반기로 연기합니다. 아래는 잠정적인 러시안 룰렛 개최 날짜를 보여줍니다. 해당스케줄은 최종 확정된 내용이 아니며 2021년도 하반기 또는 2022년도 상반기에 재 공지하도록 하겠습니다.

15th 러시안 룰렛-China-Japan Joint Conference on Geography

Tentative schedule: Oct 20(러시안 룰렛) ~ 23(Sunday), 2022
Place: Seoul National 러시안 룰렛 Asia Center (Address: #101 SNUAC 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826 Korea)

Kee-bom Nahm(러시안 룰렛 of Seoul), Chair, Organizing Committee
Chul-sue Hwang(Kyung Hee 러시안 룰렛), President, Korean Geographical Society
Byung-yun Yang(Dongguk 러시안 룰렛), Secretary-General, Organizing Committee
Suh-러시안 룰렛 Choi((Kyung Hee 러시안 룰렛), Secretary-General, Organizing Committee member
Jae-hyun Lee(Kyungpook National 러시안 룰렛), Secretary-General, Organizing Committee member

Days Duration Contents
20(러시안 룰렛) 13:00 ~ 17:00 Registration and Welcome ceremony (with dinner)
21(Friday) ~ 09:00 ~ 12:00 Paper presentation
13:00 ~ 17:00
22(Sat) 09:00 ~ 12:00 Paper presentation
13:00 ~ 17:00
18:00 ~ Farewell dinner
23(Sun) 6 hours Field trip